  • #automobilebcn
    Press - Professional
    9 May 2025
    10 - 18 May 2025
    Montjuïc Venue

    Track: L9 Bizbarcelona

    Wed 12
    Speech - Catalan |

    Presentation of the 2018-2019 GEM Catalonia report

    Joaquim Ferrer Tamayo
    Joaquim Ferrer Tamayo Generalitat de Catalunya Secretari d'Empresa i Competitivitat
    Sònia Recasens Alsina
    Sònia Recasens Alsina Diputació de Barcelona Diputada delegada de Promoció Econòmica i Ocupació
    Carlos Guallarte Nuez
    Carlos Guallarte Nuez Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Director del GEM Catalunya

    12-06-2019 10:00 12-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the 2018-2019 GEM Catalonia report

    Annual presentation of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a benchmark report that includes the main data on entrepreneurial activity in Catalonia and the province of Barcelona.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    10:00h - 11:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Communicate and persuade by means of the elevator pitch

    12-06-2019 11:00 12-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid Communicate and persuade by means of the elevator pitch

    A workshop at which you can learn how to create an effective elevator pitch to present your product or service. It’s designed for entrepreneurs who want to improve the communication of their projects.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    11:00h - 13:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    How much is my business worth?

    Laura Sallent Cucurella
    Laura Sallent Cucurella Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya Coordinadora
    Ramon Bastida
    Ramon Bastida Universitat Pompeu Fabra Professor Associat

    12-06-2019 13:00 12-06-2019 13:45 Europe/Madrid How much is my business worth?

    Value vs. price. The art of negotiating. Learn to value your business and hear about real cases from other entrepreneurs.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    13:00h - 13:45h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Financing is easy if you know how to do it!

    Antoni Abad
    Antoni Abad Cecot President
    Albert Colomer i Espinet
    Albert Colomer i Espinet Autoocupació Director

    12-06-2019 13:45 12-06-2019 14:30 Europe/Madrid Financing is easy if you know how to do it!

    Come and find out more about the benefits of taking over a company rather than setting it up from scratch through people who have been through the process who will share their experiences.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    13:45h - 14:30h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    It’s seven times easier to buy a company than to set one up from scratch

    Amadeu Barceló Moráguez
    Amadeu Barceló Moráguez Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya Consultor
    Anna Aparicio Mitjavila
    Anna Aparicio Mitjavila Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya Consultora

    12-06-2019 14:30 12-06-2019 15:15 Europe/Madrid It’s seven times easier to buy a company than to set one up from scratch

    Come and find out more about the benefits of taking over a company rather than setting it up from scratch through people who have been through the process who will share their experiences.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    14:30h - 15:15h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Now that you’re an entrepreneur, transform your company and grow!

    David Gispert Martinez
    David Gispert Martinez Reempresa Consultor
    Rosa Guerrero Arrebola
    Rosa Guerrero Arrebola Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya Consultora

    12-06-2019 15:15 12-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Now that you’re an entrepreneur, transform your company and grow!

    How can I transform my company and make it grow? Come and listen to the stories of people who’ve bought a company and raised it to the next tier.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    15:15h - 16:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Reempresa team building

    Abraham Arcos Torres
    Abraham Arcos Torres Fundació Cecot Innovació Director
    Albert Colomer i Espinet
    Albert Colomer i Espinet Autoocupació Director
    Marta Aguilar
    Marta Aguilar Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya Delegada
    David Gispert Martinez
    David Gispert Martinez Reempresa Consultor
    Alexandra Planella
    Alexandra Planella Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya Delegada

    12-06-2019 16:00 12-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Reempresa team building

    Internal session for the technical experts at the Centre de Reempresa de Catalunya. (Private activity)

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    16:00h - 17:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Presentation of the third Reempresa Awards for the area of Barcelona

    Antoni Abad
    Antoni Abad Cecot President
    Sònia Recasens Alsina
    Sònia Recasens Alsina Diputació de Barcelona Diputada delegada de Promoció Econòmica i Ocupació

    12-06-2019 17:00 12-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the third Reempresa Awards for the area of Barcelona

    An annual awards ceremony that acknowledges the work of the local Reempresa points.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    17:00h - 18:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Fifth pitch competition for university projects

    12-06-2019 18:00 12-06-2019 19:00 Europe/Madrid Fifth pitch competition for university projects

    A competition-format activity presenting a series of entrepreneurial projects carried out by several previously selected Catalan universities. A prestigious panel of judges will select the team that presents the best project and the best pitch.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    18:00h - 19:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Thu 13
    Speech - Catalan |

    Digital resources for the support of the company: 92 financing tools

    Pere Soler Artalejo
    Pere Soler Artalejo Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona Cap de Secció Empresa i Mercat de Treball
    José Luis Haro García
    José Luis Haro García Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona Responsable d’Economies Locals Emergents

    13-06-2019 10:00 13-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Digital resources for the support of the company: 92 financing tools

    Presentation of several geolocation tools and platforms at the service of companies and entrepreneurship.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    10:00h - 11:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Pre-accelerator Primer, disruptive solutions for innovative zones

    Lourdes Miras
    Lourdes Miras Catalunya Emprèn Responsable Programa Primer
    Aïda Bravo
    Aïda Bravo Institut Emprenedoria Coordinadora
    Carles Martín Badell
    Carles Martín Badell Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya Assessor Tecnològic
    Carme Moles Gual
    Carme Moles Gual Ajuntament de Martorell Cap Tècnic de Promoció Econòmica
    Diana Moret
    Diana Moret Pandorahub Founder
    Elisabet Jiménez Burgueño
    Elisabet Jiménez Burgueño Diputació de Tarragona Tècnica d'Emprenedoria
    Iolanda Piedra Mañes
    Iolanda Piedra Mañes Federació d'Empresaris del Mar Presidenta honorífica
    Jordi Espelt Anfruns
    Jordi Espelt Anfruns Agència de Desenvolupament del Berguedà Tècnic d'Empresa
    Laura Cuadros Gallego
    Laura Cuadros Gallego Consell Comarcal de l'Anoia Tècnica de Suport a Direcció
    Neus Olea
    Neus Olea Responsable d'Innovació en AEBALL Chief Operating Officer en Smart Space. Experta en Col·laboració Empresarial i Associacionisme.
    Quim Gudayol
    Quim Gudayol Smart Town a Calonge Coordinador del Programa
    Xavi Faura
    Xavi Faura INDESCAT Innovation&Entrepreneurship Manager

    13-06-2019 11:00 13-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Pre-accelerator Primer, disruptive solutions for innovative zones

    Find out more about the 15 pre-accelerators of the #PrimerProgramme and accelerate your project. Pre-accelerators from all over Catalonia will present their programmes based on innovation and highly-specialized technology.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    11:00h - 12:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Hub Talent: A network to promote creativity and innovation

    Anna Hernández Bonancia
    Anna Hernández Bonancia Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona Cap de Programes d’Innovació

    13-06-2019 12:00 13-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid Hub Talent: A network to promote creativity and innovation

    This network of innovation centres brings together several projects conducted within the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona to generate synergies that boost economic reactivation. Come and find out more.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    12:00h - 13:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Sharing Cities: A global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona

    Mayo Fuster Morell
    Mayo Fuster Morell Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Dimmons Research Group Autora
    Ricard Espelt
    Ricard Espelt Digital Commons Autor
    Marco Berlinguer
    Marco Berlinguer IGOP Autor
    Susana Belmonte
    Susana Belmonte Autora
    Álvaro Porro
    Álvaro Porro Autor
    Mònica Garriga
    Mònica Garriga Author Partner
    Marc Rocas
    Marc Rocas IN3/UOC Autor

    13-06-2019 13:00 13-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid Sharing Cities: A global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona

    Talk related to the book titled Sharing Cities: a global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona , focusing on platform economy and collaborative policies. The editor, Mayo Fuster and the other authors will take part.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    13:00h - 14:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Economic empowerment for female entrepreneurship

    Nuria Viñas Llebot
    Nuria Viñas Llebot Dones pel Futur Presidenta

    13-06-2019 14:00 13-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid Economic empowerment for female entrepreneurship

    Round table on experiences on entrepreneurship among women. Economic independence increases their security and helps them to make decisions about their own lives and deal with unwanted situations. It improves their entrepreneurial skills and assists their expansion throughout the economic and professional worlds.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    14:00h - 15:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Spanish |

    Coworking in real key

    Berta Calders
    Berta Calders Berta Calders Event & Communications Manager
    Gonzalo Bernardos
    Gonzalo Bernardos Universitat de Barcelona Professor d'Economia
    Neus Inglada Figueras
    Neus Inglada Figueras Cowocat Fundadora i Manager
    Begoña Garcia Barco
    Begoña Garcia Barco Consorci Intercomarcal d’Iniciatives Socioeconòmiques Ribera d’Ebre i Terra Alta Manager

    13-06-2019 15:00 13-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Coworking in real key

    Coworking gains strength as a real estate business, but the real key to coworking is measured in the area of ​​collaboration and the acceptance of people who accept new labor and social changes. We will explain the key to all this.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    15:00h - 16:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Aiming for healthier and more productive working hours within organisations

    Xavier Peralta
    Xavier Peralta INTIME Barcelona Consultor
    Emilia Pallàs
    Emilia Pallàs Barcelona Activa Directora Executiva Desenvolupament Socioeconòmic de Proximitat
    Margarita Miralles
    Margarita Miralles Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya Cap de Desenvolupament Humà
    Josep Maria Feliu
    Josep Maria Feliu RACC Director de Personas y Calidad

    13-06-2019 16:00 13-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Aiming for healthier and more productive working hours within organisations

    Companies that seek to attract and retain talent and wish to be more effective will have to consider new working hour arrangements. At this talk you’ll be able to learn more about the tools and instruments developed by Barcelona Activa to facilitate these strategies.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    16:00h - 17:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Presentation of the Creamedia Programme awards

    13-06-2019 17:00 13-06-2019 19:00 Europe/Madrid Presentation of the Creamedia Programme awards

    Closing ceremony and presentation of the Creamedia awards in support of entrepreneurial initiatives in the cultural and creative industries. This programme is partnered by the ICEC and the Catalunya Cultura Foundation.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    17:00h - 19:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA