  • #automobilebcn
    Press - Professional
    9 May 2025
    10 - 18 May 2025
    Montjuïc Venue

    Track: L8 Bizexporta

    Wed 12
    Speech - Catalan |

    Taking the plunge in Latin America

    Elisabet Coll-Vinent Puig
    Elisabet Coll-Vinent Puig Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona Directora d’Internacionalització
    Francesc Garreta Dalmau
    Francesc Garreta Dalmau Aula Learning Director

    12-06-2019 10:00 12-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Taking the plunge in Latin America

    Which LATAM markets provide the most opportunities? How to avoid mistakes Find out more about the case of a tiny company that has recently expanded abroad to this market.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    10:00h - 11:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Having the vision to go global

    Elisabet Coll-Vinent Puig
    Elisabet Coll-Vinent Puig Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona Directora d’Internacionalització
    Salvador Giró Molner
    Salvador Giró Molner Infaimon CEO

    12-06-2019 11:00 12-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Having the vision to go global

    What leads a company to become globalised? Learn more about the case of an artificial visioning company set to open a subsidiary in Morocco.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    11:00h - 12:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Work on your brand and expand abroad

    Josep Maria Gomes Chiquero
    Josep Maria Gomes Chiquero Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona Tècnic d’Internacionalització
    Bea Domenech
    Bea Domenech Quantion Directora de Tranformació Digital Corporativa

    12-06-2019 12:00 12-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid Work on your brand and expand abroad

    At this talk you’ll be shown the importance of investing in websites, multi-channel platforms, social networks and email marketing, thus enhancing your corporate image in order to expand abroad.



    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    12:00h - 13:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    How can the gender perspective promote products and services on the market?

    Cristina Estévez
    Cristina Estévez Fidem
    Marian Torres
    Marian Torres Fidem Partner
    Montse Prats
    Montse Prats Fidem Partner

    12-06-2019 13:00 12-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid How can the gender perspective promote products and services on the market?

    Creating a product or service while taking the gender perspective into account from the outset may provide a business opportunity. If you also take it into account in the company’s organisation and internal processes, it will enable you to surround it with talent and include it in your communication with sensitised customers.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    13:00h - 14:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Spanish |

    Nostalgia Marketing : cuando el pasado se hace moderno

    Luca Dell’Oro
    Luca Dell’Oro ESIC Business & Marketing School Director of the Advertising Department

    12-06-2019 15:00 12-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Nostalgia Marketing : cuando el pasado se hace moderno Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    15:00h - 16:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Access to financing for cooperative companies

    Rafael Vidal Mercadé
    Rafael Vidal Mercadé Fundació Seira Director

    12-06-2019 18:00 12-06-2019 19:00 Europe/Madrid Access to financing for cooperative companies

    The talk will define the differential elements of the cooperative model with regard to its financial structure. They will be valued within the framework of a banking negotiation and the chief instruments available to cooperatives will be outlined.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    18:00h - 19:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Thu 13
    Speech - Spanish |

    Internationalisation tools for entrepreneurs

    José Ignacio Pradas Poveda
    José Ignacio Pradas Poveda ICEX Director Territorial de Comercio a Catalunya
    Cristina Planas Sáez
    Cristina Planas Sáez Nuptalia Gerent
    Niels Berg
    Niels Berg The Story Tailors CEO

    13-06-2019 10:00 13-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Internationalisation tools for entrepreneurs

    Description of ICEX programmes and services suitable for entrepreneurs. The talk will also hear the stories of three companies that use these programmes.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    10:00h - 11:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Fashion exports? A history of organic growth

    Vicente Bernal Navarro
    Vicente Bernal Navarro SECOT Empresari
    Estel Rosell Catasus
    Estel Rosell Catasus Bonmot Orgànic Cofundador
    Caetana De Castro Garnelo
    Caetana De Castro Garnelo Bonmot Orgànic Cofundador

    13-06-2019 11:00 13-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Fashion exports? A history of organic growth

    Take this chance to learn more about a new, sustainable, fair trade and ethical fashion company that has managed to boost its foreign sales.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    11:00h - 12:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    An artist in New York

    Fernando Flores del Castillo
    Fernando Flores del Castillo SECOT Consultor Voluntari
    Chelsea Davine
    Chelsea Davine Chelsea Davine Artista 'freelance'

    13-06-2019 12:00 13-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid An artist in New York

    Painting is a must for her. The world is filtered through her studio. Maps fascinate her and travel thrills her. How has Chelsea managed to exhibit in London, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Geneva, Singapore, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Miami and New York? She’ll explain at this talk.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    12:00h - 13:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA
    Speech - Catalan |

    Responsible marketing for exports

    Ricard Vallespi Membrado
    Ricard Vallespi Membrado Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona TIC Project Manager
    Lluis Soler Gomis
    Lluis Soler Gomis SoftDoit Fundador i CEO
    David Gorgues
    David Gorgues FullSafeLogistics CEO
    Katy Muñoz
    Katy Muñoz ZD Zero Defects Directora Comercial i d'Exportació

    13-06-2019 13:00 13-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid Responsible marketing for exports

    Learn how small companies from different sectors have targeted foreign markets with responsible, sustainable and safe products by means of digital marketing.

    Hall 8 - L8 BIZEXPORTA
    13:00h - 14:00h L8 BIZEXPORTA