  • #automobilebcn
    Press - Professional
    9 May 2025
    10 - 18 May 2025
    Montjuïc Venue

    Track: L1 Inversió

    Wed 12
    Activities |

    A morning of Crowdfunding

    Valentí Acconcia
    Valentí Acconcia Vanacco Consultor crowdfunding
    Emilia Caralt Marques
    Emilia Caralt Marques Fundacion migranodearena Directora
    Jonàs Sala
    Jonàs Sala Verkami CoFounder & Partner
    Elena Fonts
    Elena Fonts Aixeta
    Jordi Solé Muntada
    Jordi Solé Muntada Ecrowd! Director d'Operacions
    Liz Castro
    Liz Castro Aixeta Director
    Marc Surís Martí
    Marc Surís Martí The Crowd Angel Senior Investment Analyst

    12-06-2019 10:00 12-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid A morning of Crowdfunding

    Get to know the different types of crowdfunding to start or consolidate your business by diversifying sources of financing: crowdfunding of investment in company shares, with reward, loans and donation. Subsequently there will be a Face2Face with the platforms, Verkami, Ulule, E-crowd Invest, The Crowd Angel, Aixeta, Vanacco and Goteo.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    10:00h - 13:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Catalan |

    Financiamos proyectos con impacto social

    Elisabet Sauras Collado
    Elisabet Sauras Collado MicroBank Gestora de Negoci
    Angel Soto Martin
    Angel Soto Martin MicroBank Responsable de negoci
    Ignasi Parody
    Ignasi Parody Trinijove
    Josep Roset
    Josep Roset FECETC
    Angel Canovas Garcia
    Angel Canovas Garcia Formació i Treball President

    12-06-2019 13:00 12-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid Financiamos proyectos con impacto social

    These are primarily aimed at companies that focus on social and labour integration and autonomy and assistance for people with disabilities and dependency needs, as well as the fight against poverty.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    13:00h - 14:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Spanish |

    Ten recommendations for defending the post-money value of my startup

    Miquel Costa i Planas
    Miquel Costa i Planas Keiretsu Forum President

    12-06-2019 14:00 12-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid Ten recommendations for defending the post-money value of my startup

    During negotiations with investors, the company’s valuation is a key element that will determine our future. There will be a talk on how companies that don’t bill for their services are valued and how to make the most of negotiations with investors.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    14:00h - 15:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Catalan |

    Neuro-charisma, neuro-persuasion and a high cognitive performance

    Xavier Pirla Llorens
    Xavier Pirla Llorens Talent Institut Director

    12-06-2019 15:00 12-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Neuro-charisma, neuro-persuasion and a high cognitive performance

    Discover aspects that determine the generation of trust in others. Find out how the brain works to generate impactful communication and optimise states of creativity and strategic and critical thinking and understand the neurological processes that generate them.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    15:00h - 16:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Spanish |

    How to obtain the first round of investment

    Oriol Juncosa
    Oriol Juncosa Encomenda Smart Capital Managing Partner & Co-Founder
    Felipe Ojeda
    Felipe Ojeda Refruiting
    Albert Bosch
    Albert Bosch Housfy CEO & Co-founder
    Oscar Macia
    Oscar Macia ForceManager CEO & Co-founder

    12-06-2019 16:00 12-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid How to obtain the first round of investment

    Oriol Juncosa will chair a panel discussion involving some of the entrepreneurs who have attracted investment through recommendations. They’ll explain the processes they’ve gone through to persuade their current investors to invest in their projects.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    16:00h - 18:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Thu 13
    Speech - Catalan |

    Blockchain to save the planet: Smart Cities

    André Vany-Robin
    André Vany-Robin

    13-06-2019 10:00 13-06-2019 11:00 Europe/Madrid Blockchain to save the planet: Smart Cities Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    10:00h - 11:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Catalan |

    Challenges and the future of the tourist sector payment experience

    Pancho Perez Salazar
    Pancho Perez Salazar Comercia Global Payments Business Developer

    13-06-2019 11:00 13-06-2019 12:00 Europe/Madrid Challenges and the future of the tourist sector payment experience

    An initiative conducted by Comercia Global Payments along with partners from the sector. What are online tour operators such as doing? How PCIs and PSD2s will improve the booking and payment processes, the check-in at the hotel, the cashless environments of the destinations and the tools provided by Comercia Global Payments for the sector.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    11:00h - 12:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Catalan |

    How to fund my project

    Ivan Rodriguez Ramonet
    Ivan Rodriguez Ramonet Barcelona Activa Business advisor

    13-06-2019 12:00 13-06-2019 13:00 Europe/Madrid How to fund my project

    Learn to create an overview of the different sources of funding for the launch of a project and identify the aspects that should be taken into account when starting the search for financing.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    12:00h - 13:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Spanish |

    How to accelerate and finance your successful start-up

    Adrià Escolà
    Adrià Escolà Ship2B Tech4Health Manager
    Massimo Angelini
    Massimo Angelini Maichinery CEO i cofundador
    Rafael Ferrer
    Rafael Ferrer Neki CEO i fundador
    Marta Barrachina
    Marta Barrachina ADmit Therapeutics CEO i Cofundadora

    13-06-2019 13:00 13-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid How to accelerate and finance your successful start-up

    From the experience of three CEOs of start-ups, you will learn how to accelerate the growth of your project and obtain funding. They will also show you in detail the acceleration processes of Ship2B.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    13:00h - 14:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Catalan |

    Cooperation with the startup ecosystem. Opportunities for social and digital transformation

    Jordi Picas Vila
    Jordi Picas Vila Suara Serveis SCCL Direcció innovació

    13-06-2019 14:00 13-06-2019 15:00 Europe/Madrid Cooperation with the startup ecosystem. Opportunities for social and digital transformation

    The relationship between startups and companies known as Corporate Venturing is becoming stronger and stronger as a result of the framework of opportunities it provides. Find out more about the benefits of this kind of entrepreneurial model.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    14:00h - 15:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - English |

    Is there a gender issue in angel investing? Women investing in startups

    Amparo de San José Riestra
    Amparo de San José Riestra IESE Business School Business Angel Network Director
    Lidia Vazquez Puertas
    Lidia Vazquez Puertas Progilva Inversiones Business angel
    Sara Warner
    Sara Warner Cocunat
    Álex Pardo Perez
    Álex Pardo Perez Sorigue Director General Servicio Corporativo

    13-06-2019 15:00 13-06-2019 16:00 Europe/Madrid Is there a gender issue in angel investing? Women investing in startups

    In Europe, less than 10% of angel investors are women. According to recent research women angel investors bring more entrepreneurial experience, social impact interest and higher tendency to invest in women lead-startups. Listen to their experiences.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    15:00h - 16:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Spanish |

    Digital Thinking to ensure that the customer is at the centre of your online communication

    13-06-2019 16:00 13-06-2019 17:00 Europe/Madrid Digital Thinking to ensure that the customer is at the centre of your online communication

    Do you want more leads? More conversions? Let’s review the methodology and examples that can place the customer at the centre of your brand’s online communication. Because the key to success lies in being geared towards the customer: Customer-centric Marketing to understand your good customers and to personalise their experience.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    16:00h - 17:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Spanish |

    ICO funding for self-employed workers and companies

    Mario Buisán
    Mario Buisán ICO Director de Relacions Internacionals
    Mercedes Storch de Gracia Calvo
    Mercedes Storch de Gracia Calvo AXIS Responsable de Relacions Internacionals

    13-06-2019 17:00 13-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid ICO funding for self-employed workers and companies

    The business fabric is innovating and moving forwards by means of ICO financing. Any company, self-employed worker or entrepreneur from any sector of activity can gain access to ICO lines of financing and make any type of investment in Spain and foreign markets. Come and find out more.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    17:00h - 18:00h L1 INVERSIÓ
    Speech - Catalan |

    SEO Workshop: improve your knowledge of SEO in 60 minutes and 25 steps

    Sam Gutiérrez Galve
    Sam Gutiérrez Galve 433 media Project Manager

    13-06-2019 18:00 13-06-2019 19:00 Europe/Madrid SEO Workshop: improve your knowledge of SEO in 60 minutes and 25 steps

    At this instructive talk we’ll provide you with the keys to optimising any web page and improving your organic positioning. Learn, develop your knowledge of SEO and increase your web traffic.

    Hall 8 - L1 INVERSIÓ
    18:00h - 19:00h L1 INVERSIÓ