  • #automobilebcn
    Press - Professional
    9 May 2025
    10 - 18 May 2025
    Montjuïc Venue

    Mònica Garriga

    Partner | Author Barcelona, Spain
    Mònica Garriga


    Mònica Garriga Miret is a member of the cooperative femProcomuns. She is contributing to transition programmes for commons-oriented initiatives (such as La Comunificadora), the deployment of an IoT citizen owned and managed network (The Things Network Catalunya), developing and CommonsCloud (a collectively owned cloud platform).


    Speech - Catalan |

    Sharing Cities: A global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona

    Mayo Fuster Morell
    Mayo Fuster Morell Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Internet Interdisciplinary Institute Dimmons Research Group Autora
    Ricard Espelt
    Ricard Espelt Digital Commons Autor
    Marco Berlinguer
    Marco Berlinguer IGOP Autor
    Susana Belmonte
    Susana Belmonte Autora
    Álvaro Porro
    Álvaro Porro Autor
    Mònica Garriga
    Mònica Garriga Author Partner
    Marc Rocas
    Marc Rocas IN3/UOC Autor

    13-06-2019 13:00 13-06-2019 14:00 Europe/Madrid Sharing Cities: A global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona

    Talk related to the book titled Sharing Cities: a global vision of cities and a local view of Barcelona , focusing on platform economy and collaborative policies. The editor, Mayo Fuster and the other authors will take part.

    Hall 8 - L9 BIZBARCELONA
    Thu 13 13:00h - 14:00h L9 BIZBARCELONA