  • #automobilebcn
    Press - Professional
    9 May 2025
    10 - 18 May 2025
    Montjuïc Venue

    Javier De la Ossa Falero

    Manager | La Salle Technova Barcelona, Spain
    Javier De la Ossa Falero


    Director of Technova (Entrepreneurship Department of the University of La Salle). Javier is the founder of Sadako. He implements artificial intelligence in the classification of waste at Business Booster, one of the most important venture capital companies in Spain. He has advised hundreds of start-up companies. He’s a telecommunications engineer (La Salle-URL) and has an MBA.


    Speech - Catalan |

    Accelerators: Are they for me? Which is the most suitable?

    Josep Miquel Piqué Huerta
    Josep Miquel Piqué Huerta La Salle Technova President Executiu
    Isabel Gimenez Alvarez
    Isabel Gimenez Alvarez La Salle Technova Directora
    Ray Altabás Solís
    Ray Altabás Solís SeedRocket Community Builder
    Javier Martínez
    Javier Martínez Fundación Ship2B Executive Director
    Ramon López Roldán
    Ramon López Roldán Suez Innovation manager
    Javier De la Ossa Falero
    Javier De la Ossa Falero La Salle Technova Manager

    13-06-2019 17:00 13-06-2019 18:00 Europe/Madrid Accelerators: Are they for me? Which is the most suitable?

    Round table discussion on the various practical accelerators in the entrepreneurial system in Barcelona which are useful for startups. It will identify which ones each startup should use, depending on the point it has reached and the sector in which it operates.

    Hall 8 - L6 CREIXEMENT
    Thu 13 17:00h - 18:00h L6 CREIXEMENT